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Caitlin Seep

Caitlin is a wood working & sign making queen, but also has so many different talents that are just as incredible. On top of having a wood sign company she also is a teacher. She uses her creative talents to teach the next generation of children and if you have met any teacher they have to be creative with teaching so many different children.


When I met Caitlin she was getting in to sign making but she also just got a sewing machine. This was when I was still in collage for apparel design. She called me because she wanted a quick sewing machine lesson. She definitely always had a creative spirit and now she has a sign making business. 

Client Creations 

All of my clients have so many different talents. In some it's wood working / signage & others it's knitting. No matter what, you have a talent that deserves to be shown to the world. 

Kara Johnson

Kara is honestly good at everything she puts her mind too. She is the queen of all creative outlets.  In collage she was going to school for science. Honestly she is wicked smart & could have stayed on that path. There was a point on her journey that science was not making her happy anymore. She started to be more interested in my apparel design work. Today she is an incredible event coordinator. This is an amazing roll for her she gets to use every ounce of her creativity doing her job. 

The creativity doesn't stop at her job she goes home and knits, paints, makes signs / invites, and more. I told you that she is a queen of all things creative. 

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